Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at The Roebuck School.

Welcome to the SEND Page
My name is Mrs Roy and I am the SENDCO (Special Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator) here at The Roebuck School. We have a clear and robust system in place providing a Graduated Approach when responding to children's needs. This is fully explained in our Local Offer & the school's SEND & Inclusion Policy. If you have any concerns about your child, your first port of call is to discuss your concerns with your child's class teacher. They will listen to you and discuss how your child is progressing in school. If the teacher & parents/carer feel that is appropriate to set some targets in place, this will be done as part of our Graduated Approach.  If your child already has identified Special Educational Needs and you would like to discuss this further, please phone school and make an appointment to meet me – 01772 729337.

Understanding Children’s Needs
We aim to meet a  wide range of children’s needs in school and this can often require a great deal of understanding from everyone in our school community. We ask that parents support us in our inclusive practice by modelling and showing sensitivity to all pupils and especially those with Special educational Needs so that all children understand that we are all unique! The diversity of needs that children encounter at school will help them to become tolerant, understanding individuals who can grow up in an increasingly diverse society.

All children are given full access to the National Curriculum and are included and encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities, whatever their additional needs. Further details of the procedures are set out in the school's Inclusion / Special Educational Needs Policy.

Worries or Concerns?
As always, if you are worried about your child in any way, please do not hesitate to come into school to meet with myself and/or your child’s class teacher. Quite often, a worry can have a simple answer or reassurance. Don’t just worry at home- come and talk about it.

It is worth remembering that if you are concerned about your child’s progress, it is always a good idea to have his/her vision and/ or hearing checked, as even the slightest sensory difficulties can impact on a child’s concentration and performance, as can tiredness.

Please also remember, it is important that we know of any regular medication taken by your child, or any recurring illnesses/allergies such as chest infections, headaches, earache etc so that we can look out for any signs of illness. If your child suffers from asthma please inform us and provide your child with a blue inhaler that can be kept in school in case of emergency. It is also important to ensure that contact details are kept up to date in case of an emergency.

Support at home
One of the simplest and most effective ways for your child to access some additional support is at home. Please continue to read and write with your child at home and support him/her with any homework tasks and follow this up by writing in your child’s home school reading record. If you are experiencing any difficulties with this, please let us know – we may be able to help.

Complaints Policy for Pupils with SEND.
If your child has Special Educational Needs and /or a disability we will do our utmost to support their needs. If you have a concern or a query about how we are meeting their needs, then please speak to the class teacher in the first instance. If you have ongoing concerns, then call at the office to make an appointment with myself.  If your concern cannot be resolved, the school complaints policy can be used, in which case an appointment is made with the headteacher, and a simple recording form can be collected from the office.

Further Information-

Lancashire County Council produce a termly FIND newsletter for parents and carers of children and young people with SEND. You can go directly to the newsletter clicking on the link below.

Newsletter for parents and carers of, and professionals working with, children and young people with SEND winter 2021.

Would you like to find out more information about events & support in Lancashire for children with Special Educational Needs?
Follow this link -

I also post regular SEND 'top tips', useful links and activities in the local community on our school Facebook page or on DOJO. 

Mrs Roy

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