SEND - Help for parents

Would you like to find out more information about events & support in Lancashire for children with Special Educational Needs?
Follow this link for the winter FIND newsletter-

Schudio .tv - Parenting in a Pandemic. Top Tips to help you parent during a pandemic.
Fear usually drives us to take urgent action, however, children can be really traumatised by fear so it is our job as adults to understand how to model overcoming fear, and how to help our children overcome their fear. Below is a link to a FREE short online course in helping parents. Please note, this course is provided by an outside agency. If you require any help in accessing the course, please feel free to contact me in school.


If your child has ADHD, the following link will offer you a wide range of top tips to help you manage routines -


The Autistic Society offer help & support for families who have a child / children with Autism-

You can find the Local Authority FIND newsletter by licking the link below-

Parents - Looking After Yourself

There are things we can all do to look after our mental wellbeing. Every Mind Matters can get you started with a free NHS online plan providing you with some simple steps to help manage anxiety, sleep better and boost your mood. 

Get your own Every Mind Matters mental health action plan today.

The latest Better Health Every Mind Matters campaign will kick-off on 18th Jan 2021 and the key message will be to encourage the use of the Mind Plan