Willow 2024 - 2025

Mrs Lindley

Welcome to Willow Class - Year 1

Welcome to our class page! Please find key information and current learning for your child.

Willow Class is taught by Mrs Lindley and our teaching assistant is Miss Patel.

In Willow Class we are working extremely hard to become independent learners. Please keep a look out for what you can do to help your child.

Important information

  • Reading is key to learning! Please can you ensure that your child reads their book every night and that you sign, date and comment within your child's reading record. Children need to have their book pack in school every day but books will be changed on a Tuesday and sent home on a Wednesday. 
  • Please ensure that your child always has a water bottle in school with their name on it (no juice please).
  • Your child may bring a healthy snack to eat at play time otherwise a piece of fruit is provided for free. Nuts and food with nuts in are not allowed.

If you have any further questions or need to contact me, I am available after school or alternatively you can book an appointment to speak to me via the school office. I can also be contacted through Class Dojo within working hours.

Thank you

Mrs Lindley

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World Book Day 2025, by Mrs Karolia

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