Woodlands 2024 - 2025

Mrs Roy

Woodlands – SEND provision for pupils with learning difficulties using EQUALS Curriculum in our mainstream school.

The Woodlands Class has up to 6 pupils who have learning difficulties, some have a diagnosis of ASD. The pupils range from year 1 to year 6. There is a full time HLTA and a TA2 who work in the class with the SENDCo overseeing the provision daily.

The children register with their mainstream class, join them for playtime and lunchtime and again for read aloud at the end of the day. Some pupils join their class for additional learning, usually PE and/or art.

The EQUALS Curriculum is specifically designed for pupils working consistently and over time below age related expectations. It is non key stage specific meaning the pupils work at levels appropriate to their developmental stage. It is a person centred and holistic Curriculum.

It allows staff to build routines, offer alternatives, facilitate change and observe and guide at a pace which is most appropriate for their individual needs. The EQUALS curriculum provides a different rather than differentiated curriculum.

At The Roebuck School, we are ambitious for all pupils. Our aim is for these pupils to develop a love of learning where they are actively engaged and where adults facilitate personal growth and independence over time.

The class is overseen by Mrs Roy, our AHT & SENDCo and is run by Miss B Molloy and Miss R Patel.

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