Peer on Peer abuse

The Roebuck Primary School recognises that children are vulnerable to and capable of abusing their peers. We take such abuse as seriously as abuse perpetrated by an adult. This includes verbal as well as physical abuse. Peer on peer abuse will not be tolerated or passed off as part of “banter” or “growing up”.
We are committed to a whole school approach to ensure the prevention, early identification and appropriate management of peer on peer abuse within our school and beyond.
In cases where peer on peer abuse is identified we will follow our child protection procedures, taking a contextual approach to support all children and young people who have been affected by the situation.
We recognise that peer on peer abuse can manifest itself in many ways such as:
• Child Sexual Exploitation
• Sexting or youth produced digital imagery
• Upskirting
• Bullying
• Radicalisation
• Abuse in intimate relationships
• Children who display sexually harmful behaviour
• Gang association and serious violence (County Lines)
Technology can be used for bullying and other abusive behaviour

In June 2021 Ofsted published their review into sexual abuse in schools. The document can be found here:

Our policy is currently under review but will be available in the files section of this page shortly.