Reception 2024 - 2025

Mrs Whittaker

Mrs Riley

Information for New Starters Sept 2024

At the start of the September term each family will be given an appointment for either Tuesday 3rd or Wednesday 4th September for you to come into school to discuss your child in more detail. Half of the children will then come in all day on Thursday 5th September and the other half of the children on the  Friday 6th 

All children will then come in on Monday 9th September. 


How can I help prepare my child for Primary School?

‘School readiness’ is a term used to describe how ready children are to start school in reception class.  Lancashire County Council has some really useful tips and ideas for parents, including a guide to support you with ideas, reduce any anxieties and feel confident that you have shared all the information that you wanted, to help the school begin to get to know the individual needs of your child. 

Please click on the link below to be taken to their website.

LCC: Helping my child get ready for school

  1. getting-ready4school-top-tips


  2. helping-my-child-get-ready-for-starting-school



Simple , Fun Activties To Help Your Child

The government has produced this great resource to help support your child as they get ready for school and as they begin their Reception Year.

Is your child  ready for school ?



Welcome to our class page where you will find key information and current learning for your child. 

Acorn and Chestnut Class is taught by class teacher Mrs Whittaker and Mrs Riley and our teaching assistants are Miss Crewe, Mrs Cuff  and Mrs Felton.


Some key information:

  • Please ensure your child brings their reading book to school everyday
  • Please provide your child with a water bottle (no juice please)
  • Snack is £1 per week payable on a Monday. 
  • Please ensure that all school uniform is named including your child's book bags
  • PE kit : ( We will let you know when your child wil start PE)

If you do need any help please contact me directly through Class Dojo, call our school office, or email   and 

Many thanks





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