In the files section at the bottom of the page are all the newsletters related to this academic year
Wonderful Wednesdays
We have started our Wonderful Wednesdays again this term. This is a chance for parents to come into school at 2:30pm and celebrate all things reading with your child. The dates are:-
26/02 - Ash Class
05/03 - Birch Class
12/03 - Oak Class
19/03 - Beech Class
26/03 - Hazel Class
02/04 - Reception Classes
Absences from school
If your child is absent from school due to illness, you need to contact school every day they are not in school. Our contact number is 01772 729337.
Attendance letters
As part of the national drive on attendance, we need to send home letters to inform you if your child's attendance is below 90% as advised by the Local Authority. These letters are just to inform you of their current attendance and to offer support in getting your child to school more regularly.
School Dinners
Just a reminder to check if your child is eligible for a free school meal (even if he/she is in EYFS/KS1 and has the universal infant school meal) that way you get your FSM voucher over the holiday period. If your child currently has a packed lunch, why not try them on a hot dinner. We have a new cook, and she makes lovely lunches.
As the holiday season is approaching, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you that with the new government guidelines, holidays taken in term time will not be authorised, and may incur a fine. The fines are per parent per child, which means that both parents will be fined, even if they do not live with the child, for every child taking leave from school. Holiday Dates for this year and next year are available on our website and from the school office.
Half Term
A reminder that we finish for Half Term today and return on Monday 24th February at 8:40am.