School Uniform

The uniform consists of:

  • Red sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo (or a plain red jumper/cardigan)
  • Dark grey/black trousers or Grey/black skirt or pinafore (at least knee length)
  • White polo shirt (these can be with or without the school logo)  OR
  • White long or short sleeve shirt/blouse
  • Grey or white plain socks
  • Plain black shoes/plain black canvas shoes (completely black trainers are acceptable)
  • Red fleece with school logo (optional)
  • Summer red checked dress

The PE Kit consists of:

  • Red T shirt (preferably with school logo)
  • Black shorts
  • Plain black tracksuit bottoms 
  • Black pumps (not trainers)

We expect our pupils to wear their hair in a way that is both suitable for school and appropriate for primary age children. In order to stop the spread of head-lice, it’s a really good idea for children with long hair (shoulder length) to tie it back when in school. We do understand that some children may come to school with culturally appropriate hair styles.

Jewellery & Make Up
Children should not have any jewellery on in school. If they have pierced ears, they can wear plain studs in the bottom of their earlobes. Please can we also advise you to take the studs out on your child’s PE days, as they have to be removed to take part in PE. If your child has recently had their ears pierced, they will need to cover them up with tape.  No make-up is allowed. All party makeup (including nail varnish) should be removed before coming to school.