Opening Times

Gates open at 8:30am each morning and doors into school open ten minutes later. All the teaching staff will be at their classroom door to welcome your child into class at this time.

Assemblies are held every day in the hall or in class and follow a variety of themes that can be seen by accessing the RE section of this website.

The children have one playtime in the morning that takes place at different times for EYFS/KS1; LKS2 and UKS2 and KS1 have a PSHE break in the afternoon, where they learn how to co-operate and turn take in outdoor games.

Lunch is at different times for each key stage. All the children eat their lunch in the canteen. Dinners are made on the school site.

The school day ends at 3:10pm and the children are collected from the school yard unless they are attending one of our afterschool clubs.

We have a breakfast club in a morning that is held in the school canteen - please contact Karen Gildea (Family Support Worker) for further details: