Newsletter 14 - 13th December 2024

Nut Allergy

Despite sending this information several times, there are still children bringing nut-based products into school. I cannot stress enough that we have someone in school with a severe nut allergy. This means that absolutely no nuts/nut based products should be sent into school.


Christmas Dinner

On Wednesday we will be having our school Christmas Dinner. Children may wear a Christmas Jumper with their uniform on this day.


Year 1/2 Nativity

Tickets have been sent out today for the Nativity on Tuesday at 10am. A reminder that this is a ticket only event and will be held in the Sports Hall.



Children in our choir will be putting on a Christmas Concert on Tuesday 17th December at 3:30pm. Parents of children in the choir are invited to come and watch.



If you drive to school, please could we ask that you drive carefully around the school and park considerately to bring your children in. There should be no parking or stopping at all on the yellow zigzags, thank you.


Christmas Holidays

A reminder that we break up for Christmas next Friday 20th December at 1:45pm. Please collect your child promptly. We would like to wish you all a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year, and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 7th January at 8:40am.


Dates for your Diary

17th December - KS1 Nativity (am)

17th December 3:30pm – Choir Concert (choir parents only)

18th December – Christmas Dinner Day (Christmas Jumper)

20th December 1:45pm - Finish for Christmas